Lucia Santa Cruz
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Lucia Santa Cruz: Swallowed by the Singing Stone. A Netnography in a Facebook Nostalgia Group
Auch wenn soziale Netzwerke Unmittelbarkeit, ständige Aktualisierung und Schnelligkeit begünstigen, so bergen sie doch auch Erinnerungen und Nostalgieerfahrungen. Dieser Artikel berichtet über eine digitale Anthropologie in einer virtuellen Gemeinschaft auf Facebook, „Alvorada do Iguaçu – die versunkene Stadt von Itaipu“. Ziel war es zu beobachten, wie die Gruppe das Soziale Netzwerk nutzt, um ihre Erinnerung und ihre nostalgischen Gefühle zu verfestigen und abzurufen. Die zentrale Frage der Analyse war, ob die Nutzer*innen passive oder aktive Nostalgieerfahrungen machten. Die Analyse des empirischen Materials weist darauf hin, dass die Nostalgie eine aktive Kraft in dieser Online-Gemeinschaft ist.
Even if they are environments that favor immediacy, constant updating and speed, social networks also contain memorialist manifestations and nostalgia experiences. This article reports on a digital anthropology in a virtual community on Facebook, “Alvorada do Iguaçu – submerged City by Itaipu”. The goal was to observe how the group uses the social network to store and retrieve its memory and its relationship to nostalgia. The primary question in the analysis was whether the users experience a passive or active nostalgic feeling. Analysis of the empirical material points out that nostalgia is an active force in this online community.
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Marden Nascimento/Lucia Santa-Cruz: Photographing to release creative forces
This article analyzes how the learning of photographic reading and practice may help high school students solve problems through creativity. To understand how to balance the educational system with the professional demands from the creative economy, we examined the reports of the two cycles of Ateliê Fotográfico (Photographic Studio), the fieldwork held for the research project: Ateliê Fotográfico: The effect of teaching and learning photography on the release of creative forces. Based on literature review and exploratory research, we intend to identify the link between creative economy, knowledge society, education, labor, imagination, expression and creativity.
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